“The first Paydro event shop was our own.”
When more and more people started coming to our conferences, we realized we needed a way to sell tickets quickly and effectively, especially to people from all over the world. We spent two years looking for the right tool but couldn't find anything that worked. So, we thought, "Why not make it ourselves?" And that's how Paydro got started!
We had a simple idea: make it super easy to set up new event shops, tweak the design, shoot off emails, offer discounts, and spend hardly any time on sign-ups. Oh, and we wanted to open it up to other customers too. We're super happy to share that our very first customer, who joined us back in March 2009, is still rocking with us.
Our goal is to create the best online ticket service, that makes it easy and fun to start, build and grow your events. We want to help people around the world achieve their goals and dreams, inspire, entertain, and get a new insight that might change their lives or the course of history. And we can’t wait for you to be a part of our journey. Footer