Customize design
Create a seamless experience between your promotions site, emails, and Paydro shop.
Create a seamless experience between your promotions site, emails, and Paydro shop. By using the right cover photo and colors you design a ticketshop to match your corporate identity in no time.
Your ticketshop is the most important place for selling tickets to your event. Your customers instantly need to know they are in the right place. That’s why it’s important to design a shop using your corporate identity. The shop must blend in with your other online communications and these tools will help you achieve this.
Be recognizable
The cover photo is the most recognizable part of the ticketshop and you can change it into anything. By using a picture of your company or event your customers will know they are in the right place.
If you don’t have a nice photo at hand we recommend you to take a look at Unsplash for so great (free) stock photo’s
Highlight color
Most important to generating sales is being a reliable partner. So make sure your shop looks reliable with the correct information. Do not forget to add your contact information, a nice description of the events and your event location on Google Maps.