Check in with the ticket scanner
Welcome visitors fast and easy by scanning the ticket with the camera of your iOS device or by checking them off on the digital guest list from the device. A convenient search function ensures the correct visitor is found quickly in the ticket scanner app.

Easy to use, anyone can do it.
Swipe left in the ticket scanner app to mark the visitor as present. Swipe right to print a name sticker for the badge. The correct name sticker is printed by the Dymo printer. Your iOS device is connected to a computer and Dymo printer, everything happens automatically.

Ensure your guest list is always up to date
When attendees receive their ticket they also get access to a self-service website where they can customize information such as name or job title. If a visitor is unable to attend, he or she can change the name on the ticket.

No hassle before the event
The days and hours before an event can be very stressful. With the ticket scanner by Paydro you don’t need to arrange or sort your badges in advance. You're not looking through all badges during the event. But print the name sticker for the name badge on the spot for the right person.

Entry scanner works with Paydro
The ticket scanner app gets its information from the Paydro ticketshop. By using the Paydro ticketing service you can easily take care of your online payments, open your own ticket shop quickly and start your online ticket sales within 5 minutes.